I may not have anything novel to add, but as a longtime aficionado of looking on the bright side, here is my two cents worth. A few months ago it was unimaginable that our little planet would be in this state. On the 8th of March, I posted a link to a COVID-19 watch with just numbers because I wanted neutrality. In just 13 unlucky days the pandemic spread from 77 countries to 121. Norway numbers looked really scary in the beginning. But, nobody needs more scary news. Those behind the sites and news sources are fascinating. The high school student behind the watch site above, for example, serves as an inspiration!
What strikes me as most relevant, is the misinformation and how this impacts our mental health. Which, obviously also impacts our physical well being. A media chart that assesses bias has now been updated. In a time, where many are uncertain about whom to trust, I find this as well as Snopes and Politifact worthwhile. So, you can get some perspective and help to be the judge about whether or not COVID-19 cases are up just because there is more testing. Tim Urban´s series on how we form our convictions and knowledge is fascinating.
Meanwhile, we have never seen vaccine development happen so quickly before. Collaboration and sharing of information is at an all-time high. The world will, hopefully, be more equitable in handling diverse people as a result of tools that make it easy to document indecent behavior. Another silver lining is the way schools have gotten on the technology bandwagon. I have had so much fun helping schools figure out how to use technology these last few months!